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  • USCT, a super food, is called “the perfect food” for the human body.

  • USCT supports the release and activity of stem cells to maintain optimum beauty, vitality and longevity. Potent nutrition assists the body in healing itself Increases energy.

  • USCT provides high-quality, complete protein more dense and digestible than any animal-derived protein (contains 68% protein) Rebuilds nerve tissue in the brain and throughout the body Supplies all the known B vitamins, including vitamin B12 which is almost never found in plants.

  • USCT Contains a high concentration of vitamins and macrominerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, trace minerals, omega-3 fatty acids including GLA, mucopolysaccharides, beta- carotene, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and chlorophyll.

  • USCT is nature’s cellular therapy that delivers nutrients directly to your cells. Many scientific studies indicate that increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells is probably the single most important thing you can do to maintain optimal health. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the number one indicator of a healthy heart is the number of stem cells circulating in the body. Nourishing your stem cells with organic Unicellular Therapy combined with healthy diet and lifestyle is the best way to stimulate the bone marrow to release adult stem cells into the blood stream.

  • Whether you are struggling with stressful situations, at a crossroads in your life, challenged with an illness, or just on a wellness path... Unicell Plus therapy will provide you with a lifetime of benefits.


Take 3-5 capsules, 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Best if taken on an empty stomach.


Take 1-2 capsules, 2-3 times a day. Healthy diet, proper hydration, and exercise keep your entire system function optimally.


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